Do We Should Let 15 Months Old Baby Eat by Themself



Cull the correct pronoun.

one. Mary is heavier than (me /I).
2. Information technology must be (her / she).
3. John and (I / me) went to the movies.
iv. Is it true that (he / him) is hither?
5. Who is at the door? — It is (I / me).
6. She isn't so fast as (he / him).
vii. (He / Him) and his father are both very alpine.
8. It was (they / them) who told us.
9. Just between you and (I / me) Marcy'due south hair is fright.
x. She went with Babs and (I / me) to a new barber.
11. Babs and (I / me) looked totally fabled with our new hairdos.
12. Who would have guessed that (his / him) teasing my hair would make such a difference?
thirteen. The hairdresser liked my hair more than (I, me).
1. I 2. she 3. I four. he 5. me (me – ????? ??. exist – informal, I – formal spoken language) 6. he 7. He
8. they 9. me 12.his thirteen. I/me (I did)


Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence beneath.

1. Eric plays the pianoforte as well as (I / me).
2. I hope you'll finish in to visit Nancy and (I / me), — said Mr. Berkowitz.
3. Disabled Vietnam veterans spearheaded a drive for equal rights that has benefited all of (us / we) disabled people.
4. Tim says Tiffany is not older than (he, him).
5. (Usa / We) baby-sitters can experience baby-sitter burnout after a few years of caring for children.
6. Misty'due south father asked (her / she) and (I / me) to wait on the steps.
seven. Mrs. Grailish chose Lloyd rather than Martha because she likes Lloyd better than (her / she).
8. (He / Him) and Kathleen are dissatisfied with the way their company evaluates employees' performance.
ix. ( U.s. / We) dog lovers were impressed by Jim's willingness to carry his seventy- pound canis familiaris up and downward the stairs every day.
ten. Daniel said his mother sent a box of fudge to Sam and (he / him).
i. I 2. me 3. usa iv. he v. We
6. her seven. her 8. He 9. We 10. him


Define whether the following sentences are Truthful (T) or Faux (F). Right mistakes.

1. I was surprised to acquire that Betty and him were hurt in the accident.
2. I often call up when Paul and I visited Rome.
three. He moved the piece of furniture past hisself.
4. She gave united states, Margaret and I, the notes we missed in class.
5. They were sitting by themselves next to the swimming pool.
6. That projection is the responsibility of Susan and she.
7. Let us keep this secret between you lot and me.
eight. Exercise not forget to requite the message to Bob and me.
9. The tourists asked us, my cousin and me, how to get to the museum.
ten. Please be sure to notify my husband or I when the packet arrives.
11. The children assembled the toy house by theirselves.
12. How often practice you lot take the opportunity to run across a man as intelligent as him?
thirteen. For the bulk of us the issue is rather confusing.
14. Mary will never be every bit rich as I.
15. It is her, the one whom nobody likes.
ane. F, Betty and he half dozen. F, Susan and her xi.F, past themselves
ii. T 7. T 12.F, as intelligent as he
3. F, by himself 8. T 13.T
4. F, Margaret and me 9. T 14.T
five. T 10.F, my husband or me 15.F, It is she


Correct the object pronouns in these sentences where necessary.

i. Could you lot please explicate this exercise to her?
2. John saturday between Helen and I.
3. She goes with they to the movies.
4. He understands her better than him.
5. Between you and I, I didn't like the food.
vi. What is the matter with she?
seven. He told Mary and me nigh the trip.
8. She gets along with him better than me.
one. T 2. me 3. them 4. T v. me half dozen. her vii. T 8. T



Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective or pronoun.

1. She loves ……… dog.
2. The dog wags ……… tail when it's happy.
iii. The boys are playing with ……… toy cars.
four. Nosotros have several trees in ……… garden.
five. He was very dainty and I appreciated ……… calling me.
6. I accept had ……… dinner.
7. Her mother is very warm and I loved ……… cooking.
8. I know Bob. He was ……… classmate at higher.
9. I've mislaid my pencil. May I borrow ………?
10. Bob wants you to return that volume of……… which y'all borrowed last month.
11. Nosotros had a examination too, but yours was harder than ……….
12. Is this your coat? — Yes, information technology's ……….
13. I was on time for my class simply Jane was late for ……….
14. Nosotros've already had lunch. Take you had ………?
fifteen. We've got our tickets. Take they got ………?
16. Joanne knows him. He'south a neighbour of……….
1. her 2. its three. their 4. our
5. his 6. my 7. her 8. my
ix. yours 10.his 11.ours 12.mine
xiii.hers 14.yours 15.theirs xvi.hers


Most of the following sentences contain one error. Write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Right mistakes.

ane. Is this clarinet yours?
2. Mary Lee picked upwardly my briefcase, and at present I'yard stuck with her'southward.
3. Our neighbours' lawns are always better kept than our'southward.
iv. Cistron always has trouble agreement his telephone nib.
5. I wish I could find clothes shoes as attractive and comfortable as your's.
half-dozen. Lauren told me that the idea for the new advertising campaign was hers.
8. Our telephone is made of white plastic, and theirs' is fabricated of brass and polished wood.
9. I told the center doctor that I was seeing lines and spots dancing across my field of vision.
9. Stuart has spent his' life on the route, moving from city to city.
10. Because the state faces a huge deficit, programs and jobs may exist cut, including ours.
11. Please tell the people in the copying department that these folders are theirs', not mine.
ane. T 2. F,hers 3. F, ours 4. T
5. F, yours half-dozen. T 7. F, theirs viii. T
9. F,his x.T eleven. F, theirs


Make full in the blanks with the right reflexive pronoun.

1. The footling boy injure ……… when he brutal.
two. Be conscientious non to cut ……… with that knife.
three. She lives by ……….
4. Nosotros enjoyed ……….
5. The children decorated the room ……….
vi. I blamed ……… for losing the job.
vii. The cat defended ……… against the big canis familiaris.
eight. They are going to paint the house by ……….
1. himself 2. yourself 3. herself iv. ourselves
5. themselves 6. myself 7. itself 8. themselves


Well-nigh of the following sentences incorporate 1 mistake. Write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.

1. Kelly and myself like the artillery and armor drove better than any other role of the museum.
2. The Ivanovs had planned to go to the wedding reception with u.s., but they ended upwardly going by themself.
3. William F.Cody called himself Buffalo Neb.
4. The questionnaires are for Marshall and myself.
v. Sheila cut herself when she opened the packet of brownies.
6. You advanced students can do the issues yourself and so check the answers in the back of the book.
seven. Steven and Hope arraign theirself for causing the fight between their parents.
viii. Doing a job yourself is the only you tin ensure that it gets done right.
9. Curtis changed the oil hisself.
ten. Sandra and Joan done themselves thoroughly after coming in from the garden.
1 50.The true cat lets itself in and out through the little swinging door in the kitchen.
one. F, Kelly and me ii. F, by themselves iii. T 4. F, Marshall and me five. T 6. F, yourselves
7. F, arraign themselves viii. T 9. F, himself ten.F. washed thoroughly xi. T


Choose the interrogative pronoun that correctly completes each sentence

1. (Who, Whom) argues that certain kinds of objects now in European and American museums should be returned to the countries from which they originally came?
2. (Whoever, Whomever) spilled the grape juice on the kitchen floor should clean information technology up immediately.
3. The shiny covering of a spacesuit reflects heat away from an astronaut, for (who, whom) intense heat could otherwise be very unsafe.
4. The note taped to the forepart door began, "To (whoever, whomever) it may concern."
5. A person (who, whom) has made insurance claims is likely to face an increase in his or her insurance rates.
6. From (who, whom) did y'all go that impression?
vii. As far as I'g concerned, you lot can go to the races with (whoever, whomever) yous cull.
viii. The people (who, whom) alive near the airdrome take complained for years about the noise and air pollution acquired past jets.
9. (Whoever, Whomever) wants these onetime magazines can have them.
10.To (who, whom) did y'all wish to send these roses, sir?
1. Who 2. Whoever iii. whom iv. whomever five. who
6. whom 7. whomever eight. who 9. Whoever x. whom


Correct the relative pronouns where necessary.

1. The artist whom exhibition we saw last week is a concert pianist as well.
2. The gilt that you saw was mined from the sea.
3. Information technology was your school counsellor whom called yous.
four. The devastation which the tornado had brought about was unbelievable.
five. Some scientists believe that the Americans were populated by groups of Siberian
hunters which crossed the Bering strait.
half-dozen. The professor which you spoke to yesterday is non hither today.
7. The condors whom live in California are condign extinct.
8. The student whose paper you have carmine is sitting in that location.
1. whose 2. Т 3. who 4. Т
v. who vi. who seven. which 8. Т


Near of the following sentences contain a mistake. Write TRUE (T) or Fake (F). Correct mistakes.

1. If boom furnaces are immune to cool, it tin fissure.
2. Are teenagers less salubrious today than their parents were every bit teenagers?
iii. A minor amount of water in an outboard motor'due south ignition system can prevent them from starting.
4. Many people dislike the Susan B. Anthony dollar because it seems besides much similar a quarter.
five. The tail portion of the plane gives them stability.
6. In some African countries the ways a adult female's pilus is braided tells whether or not she is married.
seven. Tinted automobile windows reduce sun glare simply information technology tin decrease visibility at nighttime.
8. Earlier World War I nigh Americans did not brush their teeth.
9. Air conditioners are useful to allergy sufferers because it can remove pollen from the air.
10. If you lot put mulch around your trees, yous don't demand to mow every bit close to them.
11. A equus caballus'due south fetlock is on the back of their leg, above the hoof.
1. F, they can fissure 2. T three. F, prevent it iv. T
5. F, gives information technology stability 6. Т 7. F, simply they tin decrease 8. T
9. F, because they can 10.Т 11. F, on the back of its leg

Find i mistake in each of the post-obit sentences. Some may need
pronouns, some have the wrong pronouns, and some have actress pronouns.

1. My mother she is always late picking me upwards.
2. Little children often need help with his homework.
three. Each of the students brought their own pencil.
iv. The XZY company is famous for their strict hiring policies.
5. Dogs get nutrients into systems from good dog food.
6. Computers they are e'er malfunctioning.
7. There are many different styles, and it is all beautiful.
eight. The longest day of the year around here it is June 21.
9. She fabricated a delicious meal simply didn't enjoy.
10. Marlee Matlin won their but Academy Award for 'Children of a Lesser God'.
one. My female parent is always two. their homework three. his / her own pencil iv. for its v. their systems
half-dozen. Computers are always vii. and they are all beautiful 8. around hither is June 21. 9. only didn't relish it 10. won her merely Academy Award

Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence beneath.

1. The choir gives (its, their) concert on the third Sunday in May.
2. The Fire Company held (its, their) election of the officers last week.
3. Either Jo or Martha gives (her, their) oral written report today.
4. The committee planning the redevelopment of the waterfront present (its, their)
proposal to the major side by side week.
5. Either the cat or its kittens left (its, their) toy mouse in the middle of the living room.
6. A group of park workers use (its, their) own cars to patrol the park at nighttime.
seven. The U.S. Regular army Band presents (its, their) free concert on the lawn of the Whitman
Stafford farmhouse Friday at 7:30 p.m.
8. Neither Rebecca nor Kit will tell us how much (she, they) weighs.
nine. The jazz trip the light fantastic grouping has (its, their) rehearsal every Thursday.
10. The afternoon kindergarten class meets (its, their) new teacher for the first time
11. Either Ozzie or Brad left (his, their) gym purse in the locker room.9. is
1. its 2. its 3. her iv. its
5. their half dozen. their 7. its 8. she
9. its ten. its 11.his


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